Returning Hearts Celebration Event

Restoration, reunion, and reconciliation

A Day of Restoration

There’s power in being face-to-face. The Returning Hearts Celebration event is a one-day event at select facilities that allows families to be reunited and come together. 

It’s more than just a carnival, a day of fun, games, and a celebration, though. It’s a day where inmates can reunite with their families and be real parents to their children. Amid the fun of the day, parents have a chance to ask their children’s forgiveness and to invite them to know the love and salvation available to them through accepting Christ as their Savior. 

It’s a day that can be the catalyst that heals a family and breaks not only the cycle of sin but the intergenerational cycle of incarceration.

It’s a day of restoration.

“It’s a day where men are able to build bridges and lay foundations that are going to lay everything else for the rest of their life.”

– Darwin “Hutch” Hutchinson, Angola Prison Malachi Dad

Get Involved

Returning Hearts Celebration events happen throughout the world, and are run and managed by local churches. If you are interested in starting a Returning Hearts Celebration in your area, drop us a line. We’d love to start the conversation!

Our first and most enduring Returning Hearts Celebration Event is where our ministry started –  the Louisiana State Penitentiary, “Angola.” This event requires hundreds of volunteers – around 500 – to make the day possible. 

Are you interested in volunteering at this event? We would love to have you join us.

Returning Hearts Celebration 2019 – Angola

Guardian Program

While the fathers and mothers are being served by Lifeline Global Ministries, their children are being cared for by guardians. Guardians can be another parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, friend, or even someone else who has stepped up and stepped in to serve that vital role as a stabilizing influence in a child’s life.

Each year during our Returning Hearts Celebration Event at Lousiana State Penitentiary, we honor these caregivers and the sacrifices they make each day with time just for them. We provide them a day of respite that includes health information, do-it-yourself projects, motivational speakers, a good meal, and praise and worship time.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

– Galatians 6:2