Incarcerated man who is sitting in a church with his eyes closed in prayer.


As I write this, we are nearing the completion of translating the Malachi Dads Heart of a Man, Book 2 video script into Spanish. Our production partners in South America are dubbing the narration soundtrack of Book 1 into Spanish (having already finished The Heart of a Father).

So, to date, over 50 of these video lessons have been uploaded to the Pando app, where they have been viewed more than 84,000 times! And 7,348 inmates have selected to “subscribe” to our Malachi Dads video lessons, being notified when new ones are uploaded. 

The men who subscribed are the ones we need to pray for, that they will “stay the course” and complete all the lessons. That they will find other Malachi Dads in their facility who they can learn and grow with.

When prisons launch programs like Malachi Dads and Hannah’s Gift, it opens up opportunities for the Holy Spirit to move. This movement, in turn, can manifest itself in a variety of ways. A great example of this took place recently at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Kansas. There was a baptism call at the maximum security unit where it was reported that 34 inmates made the decision to take part. Praise God for His action in this. However, what is even more awe-inspiring is that it was reported 20 security and administration staff also participated in getting baptized. God works in mysterious ways, and praise Him for using our ministry to the incarcerated to reach believers outside of the walls!

In His Name,
Dr. Romney Ruder