About three years ago, Bruce Abbott, Dave Costa and Gary McBroom (all Malachi Dads volunteers) had just finished breakfast at a local restaurant. As they were leaving, two men entered, and one went straight up to Bruce and stated, “You saved my life!” Bruce was a bit startled and asked how?
Aaron stated that he was incarcerated at Pitchess Detention Center (South), in Los Angeles County and attended the Malachi Dads program.
Aaron said Malachi Dads was the catalyst that turned his life around. He had been sober for five years, has a wife and two children, and a good job. He participates in programs that allow him to “give back” and follow Jesus’ commandment to “Love your neighbor”. He learned what it means to be a godly man, godly husband, and godly father.
Aaron gave Bruce a big hug and again thanked him profusely.
Bruce Abbott entered into an eternal life-sentence with his heavenly father last month. He had been a Malachi Dad’s facilitator for over ten years, leading one of the first classes in the Los Angeles County Jail system.

He worked for a number of different area cities including as a city planner for Santa Clarita, and a landscape architect for LA. He retired from Castaic, CA Lake Water Agency.
Bruce had a steadfast love for the Lord that was easily seen by all who knew him. Inmates that knew him knew that he cared for them as well. He was 74.