Lifeline Global Ministries2024-12-19T00:59:54-06:00

Restoring Broken Families

Family Restoration

Family Restoration

Community Restoration

Community Restoration

Generational Restoration

The impact of changed lives

We were founded because of a desire for restoration. Over 20 years ago, we were invited into the Louisiana State Prison – commonly known as Angola. The inmates there were hungry for Biblical truth and were looking for tools to grow in their faith. From that initial visit grew what is now known as Lifeline Global.

Lifeline Global Ministries works to restore and equip incarcerated men and women to become godly parents so that the generational cycle of incarceration can be broken. 

We work to teach and shepherd incarcerated women and men into becoming the godly parents they are meant to be – that they can be through the transforming power of the Gospel. We work with prisons and penitentiaries, churches and communities, volunteer groups and individuals to equip, resource, and transform lives.

inmate dad reunited with daughters

Our Need Grows

We have reached thousands of incarcerated fathers and mothers, and your generosity has been essential to growing our mission. But even more need our help to repair their relationship with God and with their families.

Friends – your increased commitment will help us overcome the new challenges we are facing – more expenses, economic pressures, and reduced support from grants and other philanthropic resources.  

Please consider a one-time gift today — click here to give now.

Lifeline Global, along with our Program Partners, is making an impact in 35 states and is continually expanding into new regions.

Our programs

The need is real, but restoration is possible

The financial, relational, and societal costs of prison are staggering. The United States spends more than $5.6 billion in inmate-related costs per year, and almost 44% of criminals return before the first year out of prison.

Our mission of restoration happens in four key ways:

Malachi Dads Logo

The Malachi Dads program teaches men to be godly and live up to their responsibilities as a father. Dads are equipped to model and teach their children the spiritual tools they need to live day-to-day. For more about Malachi Dads – including how to download the first video lesson – click here.

Malachi Dads
hannah's gift logo

Mothers are typically the primary caregivers and a stabilizing influence on their children. The women’s program, Hannah’s Gift offers inmate mothers the opportunity to have a spiritual impact on their children’s lives. Click here for more about Hannah’s Gift – including how to download the first video lesson.

Returning Hearts Celebration Logo

The Returning Hearts Celebration is a one-day event at select facilities that allows families to be reunited. It creates space for reconciliation and forgiveness during a day of fun, food, and hearing about God’s love. Volunteers help make this day possible. For more about this event – or to sign up to volunteer – click here.

International Ministry Logo

Restoration is needed all over the world and is coming through the power of the Gospel and the equipping of incarcerated fathers and mothers. We’re pleased to partner with organizations, churches, and ministries throughout the world to offer Malachi Dads, Hannah’s Gift, and Returning Hearts Celebration Events.

International Programs

Change families today

You can help restore broken families. Your financial partnership helps bring these programs to men and women in prison. Be a part of bringing restoration to incarcerated parents, generational change to their children, and positive impact to our communities.


Together, we share stories of the Gospel at work.

Facebook Posts

1 week ago

Lifeline Global
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever." - Psalm 107:1Our President, Dr. Romney Ruder, received the opportunity to share with thousands about Lifeline Global on the Bott Radio Network show, Encounter Special Edition, with Chris Meikel.Listen to the interview here: bottradionetwork.com/ministry/encounter-special-edition/2025-02-07-lifeline-global-ministries/ and join us in giving all the glory to God for expanding the awareness of restoring incarcerated fathers and mothers.Ready to help now? Learn more about our most pressing need - volunteers for May's Returning Hearts Celebration at Angola. Get details here: lifelineglobal.org/volunteer/We are grateful for your support!#LifelineGlobal #IncarceratedParents #Renewal #Restoration #ParentFromPrison #Recidivism #HannahsGift #MalachiDads #Nonprofit #ChangedLives ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Lifeline Global
Are you ready to be part of a miraculous day, witnessing the saving power of Christ as you experience families spiritually reuniting?Then join us for our next Returning Hearts Celebration on Saturday, May 17, at Angola State Penitentiary in Louisana. This joyous event may seem like just a carnival, a day of fun, games, and celebration. But it’s also a day of reconciliation and restoration for inmate fathers and their families. What can you do to help? Give your time and talent – anything from serving as a family assistant to setting up tables, organizing gift bags, and making signs.Do you hear God calling you to help us in Angola? Please carefully discern and answer His call today: lifelineglobal.org/volunteer/.#LifelineGlobal #IncarceratedParents #Renewal #Restoration #ParentFromPrison #Recidivism #HannahsGift #MalachiDads #Nonprofit #ChangedLives ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Lifeline Global
"My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me." - John 10:27We have good news to share with you!During the past couple of years, incarcerated fathers and mothers have been able to accessMalachi DadsandHannah’s Giftthrough digital tablets provided by our partners Edovo and God Behind Bars, the creator of the Pando app. Since this effort began -- thousands -- that right -- thousands of incarcerated parents have utilized this digital curriculum through the tablet apps! God is good!Find out more about how more of these parents are seeking and finding restoration in our latest blog: lifelineglobal.org/stories/celebrate-with-us-prison-ministry-tablet-access-grows-to-reach-thousands/.#LifelineGlobal #IncarceratedParents #Renewal #Restoration #ParentFromPrison #Recidivism #HannahsGift #MalachiDads #Nonprofit #ChangedLives ... See MoreSee Less
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